Tuesday, December 1, 2015

12/11/2015 Pippin Central East $20 - $29

City of Toronto All Events http://ift.tt/1QSZ5NI A story that has had audiences cheering and singing-along since the 1970's, Pippin tells the timeless story of a young man's search for happiness and meaning in his life. He searches on the battlefield, in the drama of love and in the power of kingship, but in the end discovers that true happiness can be found in the everyday moments he experiences every day. With an infectious score, Fosse-inspired dance and magic to do, this cast of Toronto teens will delight and entertain you for one weekend only! Mainstage Theatre Company is a not-for profit organization dedicated to developing young actors to the professional level. Our exciting program gives young artists, ages 11 to 21, the opportunity to create magic in a theatre environment!

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