Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Breaking Down Silos: Accountants and Sustainability Professionals Collaborating to Reduce Risks and Increase Profitability

Toronto Networking Events Begins: 2015-10-01T16:30:00 Ends: 2015-10-01T19:30:00 Where: {'city': u'Toronto', 'journal_activity_id': 4100415300632943783, 'country': u'CA', 'changed': datetime.datetime(2015, 9, 29, 7, 56, 13), 'venue': u'Loyalty One', 'zoom': u'13', 'longitude': u'-79.38870209999999', 'state': u'ON', 'postal_code': u'M5G 2L1', 'address_1': u'438 University Ave, 12th Floor (use elevators to the left) Loyalty One Offices', 'address_2': u'', 'longaddress': u'438 University Ave, 12th Floor (use elevators to the left) Loyalty One Offices, Toronto, ON, M5G 2L1', 'latitude': u'43.654443', 'is_saved': True, 'organizer': 427930L, u'id': 9453726, 'user': 3343644L}

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